More Than Just About Music
In my teenage years, music began an awakening that at the time, simply felt like a connection. Like most teenage kids, I wanted to belong – to believe in something that was intangible, yet somehow solid. That “lightning rod” moment happened when I heard the right song at the right time. At that moment, it wasn’t a song, it was a pillar that I could lean on, bringing me strength and healing. Here’s my story and why I think playing a musical instrument is one of life’s greatest joys.
Self Discovery
As music grew to become a bigger part of me, I wanted to know what it was like to create it. I wanted to experience the notes within, channel them through my instrument and release them into the world. So, guitar in hand, I set out to write the best song I could ever write. Here we are, over 25 years later, and I’ve come to realize that I had written “the best song I could ever write” every time I wrote a song. The simple and cathartic act of writing music was (unknowingly until recent years) one of the tools that I needed to be a better version of myself. I learned a valuable life lesson: you can’t reach out without reaching in.
A Bridge of Strings
Learning to play guitar may be a little frustrating at first, but learning something new always is. If you’re committed and you make it to the other side, I promise you, it’s worth it. A funny thing happens when you do something with complete involvement – you lose yourself in the most natural way. There’s no past or future, there’s no negative or positive – there isn’t even an up or down. You’re suspended in neutrality because unless you hit that note or strum that chord, there’s just nothing there. I know this sounds existential, but for me, that place exists, and it’s very real. With every note you play, a new window opens up that allows you to see a little deeper into yourself.
Playing a Musical Instrument – Your Life’s Soundtrack
If you ’re lucky enough to travel, you know first hand how incredible it is on so many levels. If you take time to plan trips, you should take make time for inward travel too. Whatever your choice of vessel, be it learning a musical instrument, painting, repairing cars, woodworking, or astrophysics, make time to jump into that unique connection – your growth as a human being depends on it. For a little more more insight on how music shapes our world, check out this article at Wisdom Daily that truly inspired us.
If you enjoyed this article and are thinking about learning how to play guitar, check out our beginner’s guitar buying guide!